
High-performance Template Parser designed to work inside a full templating engine or alongside an application.

Project maintained by SkylarKelty Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


High-performance Template Parser designed to work inside a full templating engine or alongside an application. Whilst Spark can be used on its own it includes a very limited set of features and is really only designed to work alongside a larger system.


Spark takes a HTML page and tokenises all tags within a specified namespace (e.g. ) it then runs through user-specified callbacks for each token and replaces the token with the result.

The result of this project is a very simple template parser that can be hooked up to a more fully-featured templating engine.


$spark = new Spark\Core\Spark();
print $spark->run('<html><body><SparkVersion /></body></html>');

Adding a tag

$spark = new Spark\Core\Spark();

$spark->addTag("Example", function($html, $inner) {
    return "Hello World!";

print $spark->run('<html><body><SparkExample /></body></html>');